Character Information...
Sasami is a colorful,vibrant Jurian princess who,besides Ryo-Ohki,adds alot of cuteness into the Tenchi Muyo series.
Her and Ryo-Ohki spend most of their time together in the T.V. series.
Pics of Sasami
Mihoshi,along with Kiyone,is a Galaxy Police officer.She is quite an air-head,and doesn't pay much attention to her duties as a Galaxy police officer.She usually gets alot of crap from Kiyone,whom I think is the person who should give Mihoshi the biggest break.
Pics of Mihoshi
Yukinojo is Mihoshi's computer and one of my favorite side characters.Some how Yukinojo always gets blown up though.Either Mihoshi forgets to put on the Air-brake,or she crashes into a hotspring.
Kiyone is also a Galaxy police officer and Mihoshi's partner.Kiyone is the best officer of her generation,but many people discriminate her because of her position in the galaxy police and her partnership with Mihoshi.
Pics of Kiyone
Tenchi Masaki,the star of the series,is a quiet,sensible guy with morals.Alot of things happen to Tenchi in the series
in addition to Ryoko & Ayeka.
Pics of Tenchi
Nobuyuki,Tenchi's father...well there's not much to say 'bout him except that he's a big horndog.
Katsuhito or Yosho,Tenchi's grandfather and holy priest of the Masaki Shrine,is about as cool as you can get for his age.
He's a master at swordplay and he is a Legendary Warrior.On a kick-*ss scale from 1-10,he gets a 12!
Nagi is a bounty hunter after Ryoko's head.She kidnapps Tenchi in one episode of Tenchi Universe.She also has a cabbit,like Ryoko,and his name is Ken-Ohki.
Aeka is the eldest of the two princesses of Jurai.Like Ryoko,she also loves Tenchi.In the T.V. & OVA series,she is often referred to as an old maid.
Pics of Aeka
Tsunami,the most powerful ship of Jurai which is owned by Sasami.Tsunami,along with Washu and Tokimi,is rumored to be a goddess from another dimension.
She and Sasami look very much alike.And Tsunami usually uses her powers to heal the injured,such as Tenchi.
Pics of Tsunami
Tokimi is one of the three Goddesses.She's said to be the most powerful of the three.
Kagato is THE best villain to grace the Tenchi series yet.Even though he was broughten down a little to easily.He was the owner of the Soja (forgive me for my spelling.)which was also created by Little Washu.
Kain is the villain in TM:TMiL.He is or was an A-Class criminal and was very powerful.In my opinion,Kain was a cool villain,though Kagato was way cooler.
Mayuka,pretty much the star of the second Tenchi movie and Tenchi's daughter!Well,actually in the movie,Mayuka is a clone of the real thing.She is very energetic and she can be very emotional too.
Pics of Mayuka and Yuzuha
Yuzuha is the villain in the second movie.She and Yosho had something a long time ago.Then the Juraian forces beat her and treated her very rudely.Turning her against Yosho,and the Juraians.Oh,she is also the spirit of the tree of darkness.
Lady Achika is Tenchi's mother.She was practically the star of the First movie.She is by far one of the coolest Tenchi characters around.She was very kind hearted and courageous.She defeated Kain in the movie by using the sword Tenchi.Man,she slices him in half!How cool is that!?
It took alot of energy out of her though and poor Achika dies later in the series.
Pics of Lady Achika
Zero is Dr. Clays assassin.Zero can take on the form of anyone or anything,and along with it,that persons memories,etc.In episode 11 of the OVA series,Zero is sent down to Earth to capture Little Washu for Dr. Clay.To do this,Zero takes on the form of Ryoko.
Dr. Clay is a genius scientist sent by Lady Tokimi to capture Washu.Aren't those curls silly lookin'?
Misaki is Ayeka 'n' Sasami's mother.She is also Azusa's second wife and the second Juraian Queen.She loves attention and hugs people alot.
Funaho is Yosho's mother.She's also Azusa's first wife and the first Queen of Jurai.She alot calmer and alittle saner than Misaki.
Ayeka and Sasami's father and the King of Jurai.
Ayeka's suitor who arrives with Azusa and Misaki and Funaho in ep 13.Somehow Mihoshi gets involved with the whole Tenchi vs Seriyou thing.
This is the little old lady who runs the inn were the Masaki's occasionally go.She invited them to the inn in one ep and made them repair it after Ryoko's Demon demolished it.
These two are Ayeka's guardians.They are,as you'd figure,Juraian made.Usually these two are a big comic relief.You usually see them as gatekeepers or two poles whom hold up the dryin' laundry.
Sakuya is Tenchi's classmate and admirer in Shin Tenchi Muyo or,as we americans named it,Tenchi In Tokyo.Aren't we stupid?Well...anyways,Sakuya is constantly around Tenchi trying to make everything perfect for him.And as you could guess...Ryoko and Ayeka aren't very happy with her.

I am not quite sure 'bout her whole background...but I know she kicks major *ss!
Click for Minagi.Lady Asahi grew up on Ryuten,a planet where Ayeka and Sasami vacationed on frequently and Jurai's sister planet.The two met Asahi when she was young and gave her the title of little sister.Lady Asahi is one of the neatest characters in the Viz No Need For Tenchi! manga.
Yume is currently the main villain in the Viz Comics Tenchi Muyo! manga.She proclaims to be the #1 scientific genius in the universe (*Yeah right,dream on*).Along with her three henchmen,Hishima,Takashima,and Mushima,she has stolen the royal tree Bizen and Jurai's secret files.Also,Yume is one of Washu's old class rivals from the Academy.